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What Are the Qualities of a Good Kennel?

June 15 2023

As exciting as vacation-time can be, the thought of leaving Fido behind can be heartbreaking, not to mention worrisome. Making sure your canine pal will be well taken care of while you’re gone will go a long way towards easing your mind. Boarding kennels are designed for this exact purpose, but which one will actually treat your little buddy right and keep him safe?

Read on as a pet hotel Bloomington, CA talks about how to make sure you choose a quality kennel for Fido.

What Goes on in a Kennel?

Much like any other type of business, dog kennels vary in the type and quality of services they offer, and their accommodations can run the gamut too. Dogs are provided with food, a safe, clean living area, a place to sleep, and an exercise area. These are the bare minimums. 

Since each state has its own licensing regulations,, a kennel can choose to just meet the bare minimums or strive to offer a quality boarding experience for its patrons. If you want to ensure that the kennel you choose will take good care of Fido, knowing what qualities to look for is half the battle. 

Qualities of a Good Kennel

A quality boarding kennel is designed to provide a “home-away-from-home” experience for your dog. Here are the ways a good kennel accomplishes this goal:

Animal Care Staff

A good facility will require all staff members to have some form of animal care qualification, along with having a vet on the grounds or on-call at all times in case of illness or emergencies.


A good kennel will make sure all guests are up-to-date on their vaccinations and will also take the necessary steps to ensure that each dog’s shots are in order.


Clean, roomy accommodations, good ventilation, and a doggie-proofed environment that doesn’t hold hidden dangers for Fido are definitely things you want to look for when choosing a kennel. 

Bonding & Insurance 

The last thing you want is to get stuck with a bill if Fido gets injured, injures another dog or person, or damages property. A good kennel will be bonded and insured, which will cover these types of costs. 

Exercise Area

Boarding facilities that have small outdoor runs attached to each kennel are ideal, however, large, enclosed communal areas where dogs can play along with daily walks with staff can also help Fido get his daily dose of exercise and fun.

Comfortable Surroundings

While concrete floors are easy to clean, Fido would be much more comfortable with his own warm bed. Good kennels provide each dog with their own bedding along with soft, raised areas.

If you have more questions or wish to take a tour of our boarding facilities, please feel free to call us, your local pet hotel Bloomington, CA, anytime!

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