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Making Boarding Easier For Fido

December 15 2022

Season’s Greetings! If you’re one of the roughly 54.6 million million people that will be traveling more than 50 miles from home this month, you may already be finalizing plans. One thing you’ll need to see to is finding someone to watch your dog. In general, a kennel is going to be your best bet. Fido will be much safer in professional care! Of course, you’ll also want to take a few steps to make your pup’s vacation easy on him. You’ll read about the key ones in this article from a Rialto, CA pet resort.

Pack Properly

If you can, pack something that smells like you, such as a tee-shirt you’ve slept or worked out in. Fido will likely cuddle up to it for comfort. Your canine buddy may also feel more at home with his favorite toy and, if allowed, his own dishes. Include things that will keep your pooch occupied, like a dental chew.


Separation anxiety is not uncommon in our canine companions. It’s often seen in shelter dogs, perhaps because so many of them have been abandoned before. Some of the signs include barking, whining, and pacing. Your furry pal may also indulge in bad habits, like digging or chewing inappropriately. You shouldn’t punish Fido for these mishaps: that will only increase his anxiety. Proper training is crucial here. It’s important for your pup to accept being kenneled and/or being away from you. Ask a professional dog behaviorist for advice.

Provide Information

It’s normal for dogs to be a little nervous at kennels, especially at first. However, if your pooch is extremely anxious, let the kennel know about it. Your canine pal may benefit from pet-calming products, such as pheromone sprays. Fido may also enjoy some extra walks and playtime, which will help him burn off some of his nervous energy.

Build Familiarity

While there may be several kennels in your vicinity, this isn’t a service where you just want to pick a place randomly. Do some research, and ask for recommendations. Once you find a kennel that you and Fido like, stick with it. It’s also a good idea to do an overnight trial run before taking a long trip, to help familiarize your pooch with his hotel.

Happy Holidays! Do you have questions about boarding your dog? Contact us, your Rialto, CA dog boarding kennel, today!

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