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Taking Fido To His Hotel

October 1 2022
Are you planning a getaway soon? Whether you’re headed out on a business trip, or maybe catching up on some travel, you may need to bring your canine companion to a kennel. While Fido would love to go everywhere with you, that just isn’t always feasible. Read on for some tips on bringing your pooch to your Bloomington, CA dog boarding kennel!

Check Drop Off Hours

Make sure that you’re clear on when your furry pal’s hotel is open for drop-offs and pickups. You definitely don’t want to find out at the last minute that you can’t drop Fido off as you are headed to the airport. It’s best to leave a little early here, just in case of delays.

Pack Wisely

Pet boarding is one area where there is a lot of room for variation. Some kennels prefer to use their own bedding and toys; others want you to bring your own. Find out what you can and can’t pack for your four-legged buddy. (Tip: always pack a little extra.)

Confirm Policies

Hopefully, all will go smoothly while you are gone. However, there’s always a chance of an emergency happening, either on your end or with your canine friend. You’ll want to make sure that you know how the kennel would handle an emergency. That means providing a secondary contact, and in some cases an itinerary, if the numbers you can be reached at will be changing over the course of your trip.

Don’t Drag It Out

It’s not easy leaving your furry best friend behind. However, Fido will only get more distressed as he realizes you’re going away without him. A long, tearful goodbye will only make it harder on both of you!

Provide Pertinent Info

Make sure that you have provided all and any information the kennel requires. This includes details on any medical issues Fido has, any medications he is on, allergies, phobias, and other relevant information.


The best part about bringing your canine pal to a doggy hotel? You’ll be able to focus on your agenda without worrying about Fido’s safety or well-being. Have fun on your trip! Your furry friend will be waiting with tail wags, happy dances, and puppy kisses when you get back. Do you need to schedule boarding for your pet? Fido is in great hands with us here at your Bloomington, CA dog boarding kennel.

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