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6 Purrfect Reasons To Board Your Cat

September 16 2022
Are you going out of town soon? If you’re only going away overnight, your kitty may be fine by herself at home. However, for anything longer than that, Fluffy will need someone to care for her. While you may choose to have someone stop over, in many cases, boarding is going to be the better option. In this article, you’ll read some great reasons to bring your feline pal to your local Bloomington, CA cat hotel.


We all know that our feline buddies are notorious for getting into mischief. This is of course adorable—and quite entertaining—but it can also be very dangerous. You don’t want your playful pet getting wrapped up in one of her string toys or caught in a curtain when there is no one home! There’s also a chance of a simple mishap, such as a water bowl being knocked over or food spoiling.


Cats are known for being self-sufficient, but they are also quite small, and are vulnerable to many types of illness and injuries. This is particularly crucial for seniors and kittens, as they tend to be more fragile than adult cats. Fluffy will be much safer with someone to keep an eye on her.


Our feline overlords may act aloof, but they’re actually very emotional, and can get very stressed out. This may be an emotional issue, but it can quickly take a toll on Fluffy’s health. For instance, if your pet stops eating because she’s lonely, it can affect her metabolism, which is very dangerous.

Medical Care

Just like people, kitties can be afflicted by a variety of health issues. Some need medication, while others may need special monitoring. A kennel is by far the best option for cats that need extra attention.


Fluffy clearly enjoys doing nothing, and she spends a rather exorbitant amount of time sleeping. However, even the drowsiest kitties can’t sleep 24/7. At a kennel, your furball could pass her time with catnip play sessions, chasing a laser pointer, or climbing on a jungle gym.

Peace Of Mind

Leaving Fluffy home by herself can be stressful for both of you! If you take your furry pal to a spa, you won’t have to worry about her. Just enjoy your trip! Do you need to schedule boarding for your kitty? Contact us, your Bloomington, CA cat hotel, anytime!

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