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Reasons To Go With A Pet Boarding Kennel Rather Than A Petsitter

July 15 2024

Are you going to be leaving town soon? Pet boarding and petsitting are both growing industries. In fact, according to data from Dogster, there are over 20,000 pet care facilities in the U.S., and 35,000 petsitters. That means that, for those who are looking for someone to take care of their furry friends while they are out, there are certainly lots of choices. A petsitter may seem like a great option at first glance. And, to be fair, they do work well for some. However, boarding is generally going to be the safer bet. In this article from Valley Pet Hotel, your Rialto, CA pet kennel, also serving Bloomington, CA, a local vet lists some reasons to go with a dog or cat boarding kennel rather than a sitter.

Kennels Offer Better Security

There are a few different aspects to this. Kennels typically have built or modified their spaces so as to offer the best possible security. The last thing a kennel would want would be for one of their furry wards to escape! You may see features such as tall gates, high fences, and security cameras. While of course some homes have these features, they are by no means standard.

With petsitters, there is also a much bigger chance of Fluffy and Fido slipping out as the petsitter comes in or out. It’s true that some pets are more likely to try this than others, but if your furry pal has any tendencies to try and bolt, it’s definitely a concern. There’s also the fact that, if your pet were to slip out, a sitter would probably have a much harder time corralling them than you would.

Another element of the security issue? Hiring a petsitter means letting someone into your home. We by no means want to cast doubt on the industry as a whole. There are some wonderful petsitters out there! However, this being 2024, you really just can’t be too careful. Going through our Rialto, CA pet hotel is definitely safer.

Pet Hotels Offer Closer Supervision

Most petsitters stop in a few times a day. It’s become standard for you to choose a package that determines how often they come by. However, that still leaves your furry friend home alone for quite a bit of time. If they were to get hurt or stuck, or even just knock over or drain their water, it could be a while before someone comes to help! 

Less Alone Time At A Kennel

While Fido and Fluffy may stay home alone while you go to work, they are going to have quite a bit more extra alone time if you are on vacation than they normally would. Pets are very emotional, and many get quite distressed at being separated from their humans for long. Just like people, animals can suffer from fear, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. However, they can’t exactly make an appointment with a therapist or hit the gym to work off their angst. They often resort to expressing their unease by indulging in bad behaviors. Fido may chew your sofa, dig up your carpet, or even try to escape. These things aren’t just frustrating: they can actually be dangerous.

Pets that feel distressed may also stop eating. They may pace or cry, or sometimes chew or lick themselves. This can also quickly spiral into medical issues. Even going a few days without food can cause health problems for our four-legged friends. 

Better Safety Nets

No matter how carefully you plan for things, accidents can always happen. We love Fido and Fluffy, but they do have a way of getting into mischief. It only takes a few moments for something to go wrong. Your cat could knock a plant down onto herself, or your dog could eat a battery that rolled off the counter. Those are just a few examples: there are literally thousands of things that could happen.

With a kennel, your pet will be in a secure environment, which in itself greatly decreases the risk of a mishap occurring. They also will be closely monitored, so if something were to go wrong, it would be noticed—and addressed—right away.

That isn’t to say that a petsitter wouldn’t act if there were an emergency. However, it would be more complicated for them, as they would have to transport your pet, and could be in a pickle as far as billing goes. Kennels have procedures and protocols in place. Plus, many already work closely with veterinarians. This is just another strand in the safety net kennels offer, but it’s definitely an important one. 

Complete Coverage

One risk of getting a petsitter? They are typically independent contractors, and work by themselves. That isn’t an issue in and of itself, but it could cause complications if something were to happen. Just like anyone else, petsitters can be faced with sudden emergencies, whether it’s illness, accidents, car breakdowns … the list goes on. With a kennel, they will do what is needed to make sure that their furry charges are cared for. A petsitter doesn’t have that automatic backup. That’s another thing to consider. 

Pet Hotels Have Vetted Staff

As mentioned above, we want to be careful not to cast a bad light on petsitters in general. Many are wonderful people who love their work. After all, petsitting can be a pretty sweet job for animal lovers!

That said, while many of the petsitting companies do vet the people they bring on, this isn’t necessarily going to entail as much screening as a dog or cat boarding kennel gives. There’s always a chance that you could end up with someone that makes you uncomfortable. As they say, you can’t be too careful.

More Cuddles!

Petsitters generally are people who love animals, so of course they’re going to pet Fido and play with him. With a kennel, you can add as much extra playtime and cuddles as you like. That can really go a long way towards making boarding easy and fun for your furry bestie.

Kennels Have Reviews

Finding the right pet boarding kennel can be a bit challenging. You want this to, ideally, be a long-term relationship, so it makes sense to do your due diligence. It can be harder getting an idea of a petsitter’s professional reviews. If you’re going through an app, you may have a hard time finding out what reviews are actually for your petsitter.

Pet Boarding Kennels Offer Professional Relationships

There’s also a middle ground between boarding and hiring a petsitter: having a friend or family member take care of your pet. If they are able to stay at your home, then that could be a great solution. However, it also comes with a unique risk. If something were to go wrong, you wouldn’t just a have a professional dispute on your hands: you could have a very personal one.

Book Boarding At Our Rialto, CA  Pet Hotel

Do you need to make arrangements for your furry friend’s care? Please feel free to contact us at Valley Pet Hotel, your Rialto, CA pet kennel, also serving Bloomington, CA,, anytime. We are dedicated to taking excellent care of our animal charges.

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