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Is Doggy Daycare Right For Your Pup?

May 15 2024

Doggy daycare has become quite popular in recent years. This is a great option for many of our canine companions. Fido is very sociable, and he often gets a bit lonely and restless if he is left home by himself for too long. Going to a doggy daycare is often a win-win! Your pup will have a blast running and playing with his buddies while you’re at work. However, daycare isn’t going to be the right fit for every dog. In this article from Valley Pet Hotel, your Rialto, CA pet hotel, also serving Bloomington, CA, you’ll read about some key factors that come into play when determining if daycare is right for Fido. 

What Are The Benefits Of Doggy Daycare?

We mentioned above that daycare gives Fido a chance to spend his day playing with his buddies, rather than sitting home moping or worse, getting into mischief. That may be the main benefit, but it isn’t the only one.

  • Socialization: Proper socialization is crucial for puppies. This helps them form open minds about the world, so they grow up to be open-minded, friendly, and polite. Dogs that weren’t socialized properly as puppies are much more likely to have issues with aggression and fearfulness as adults. Letting little Fido interact and play with other dogs can be incredibly beneficial here.
  • Exercise: While we certainly have some furry wards that would qualify as couch potatoes, many of the pooches at daycare are fairly energetic. Fido will be able to burn off lots of that extra energy. This is not only great for keeping him in shape, it can also be quite handy for you. By the time you pick your furry friend up, he’ll probably be pretty tired. That means he’ll be ready for snuggles and quality time, instead of bouncing off the walls with pent-up energy.
  • Safety: We also can’t overestimate the safety aspect of daycare. Some dogs get quite distressed when left alone, to the point where they may actively try to escape. Others will act up in other ways. For instance, Fido may try to dig through the carpet. Or, he may tear into the trash or eat your sofa. These things can not only leave you with a mess, they can actually be quite dangerous.

Aside From Puppies, What Dogs Do Well At Daycare?

As one would probably expect, daycare is most suitable for friendly, high-energy pups that love hanging out with their friends and also have lots of zoomies to burn off. Our ideal ‘student’ is friendly, outgoing, playful, and well-behaved.

However, some of the pooches that really like daycare may not be what you expect. Many toy breeds, for instance, have a reputation for being cuddly lap dogs. However, these guys also love to run and play. Senior dogs also sometimes enjoy hanging out with their buddies. It ultimately depends on the dog.

When Should My Puppy Start Daycare?

In many cases, this is going to depend more on little Fido’s vaccination schedule, rather than a set age. Most daycares won’t accept puppies before they have had their initial vaccines and boosters. In addition to the core vaccines, that would typically include the Bordetella vaccine, and, in some cases, the canine influenza vaccine. 

In most cases, little Fido will have hit those necessary milestones by the time he is about 12 to 16 weeks. However, you’ll need to get specifics from both the daycare and also from your vet.

What Are The Signs That My Dog Isn’t Right For Daycare?

All of our canine friends are unique, and they each have their own distinct personalities. This isn’t something we can necessarily check off just going by breed. Much of it comes down to Fido’s history and temperament.

Here at Valley Pet Hotel, we also carefully evaluate dogs, not only to ensure that they will be a good fit, but also for the comfort and safety of the other dogs in our care. 

With that said, here are signs that a dog wouldn’t do well at daycare.

Aggressive Dogs: While aggressive behavior in some dogs can be addressed by training, doggy daycare isn’t the place for them. Dogs can act aggressive for a variety of reasons; territorialism, fear, and pack politics, to name a few. No matter what the reason, this is definitely a dealbreaker.

Intact Dogs: Most daycares will require that a dog be spayed or neutered before joining class. As you may know, unneutered male dogs are more likely to act aggressive than other pups. However, occasionally fixed dogs will go after the unneutered ones, simply because they perceive them as threatening. Pups will also fight over intact females. All in all, there’s just a lot of room for unnecessary doggy drama with pets that are unfixed.

Timid Dogs: Did you know that dogs can immediately tell when a pup feels nervous or insecure? Unfortunately, shy dogs are much more likely to be picked on or bullied. They also often just don’t like daycare, and would rather be home in their doggy beds.

Giant Dogs: This one will vary a bit from pup to pup. Some giant dogs are quite lazy, and will happily spend their days snoring and dreaming of bacon. That’s not likely to cause issues. However, a really big dog that is untrained or highly active may pose a significant threat to other pups or staff, just because of his size.

There’s also a lot of room to make determinations for individual dogs. A very smart dog may be better served at puppygarten, where he can put some of his energy into learning new things.

If you aren’t sure whether or not daycare is right for your dog, talk to your vet and the daycare staff. 

How Do I Know If My Dog Likes Daycare?

Opinions on doggy daycare actually vary quite widely. Some dogs love it, while others may be scared or overstimulated. Your best bet is to observe your pup’s attitude. If Fido gets really excited when you say ‘Daycare’ and is wagging his tail the whole way there, it’s probably safe to say he likes it. If he seems fearful and uneasy, he may not be a good fit.

If your pooch really dislikes daycare, you may notice it immediately in his demeanor when you pick him up. He may seem scared or shaken, and he may just not act like himself. 

A good daycare will also have experienced staff, and will be able to evaluate each pooch. Trained eyes can often pick out the pups that aren’t enjoying themselves.

How Often Should My Dog Go To Daycare? 

This also varies, depending on the dog and the person. Some pups would love to come every day, and will be fine with coming in, say, Monday through Friday while you’re at work. Others will do better on a more limited schedule, and only visit us a few times a week. You can also experiment with schedules a bit, and just see what your pooch enjoys. 

Book A Stay At Our Rialto, CA Doggie Daycare

Do you want to learn more about doggy daycare? Do you think this would be a good fit for your pup?  Contact us here at Valley Pet Hotel, your Rialto, CA pet hotel, also serving Bloomington, CA, today!

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