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Tips For Finding A Great Kennel

May 1 2024

Are you looking for a great dog boarding kennel? It’s not always easy finding someone that you trust to care for your beloved canine companion while you are out of town or otherwise unavailable. We can help! Read on as a local Rialto, CA pet boarding kennel offers a few tips on finding a pawesome place.

What Are Some Red Flags When Finding Canine Boarding Kennels?

There are a few key ones that should be deal breakers.

The first? If the kennel does not require proof that your pet is current on their vaccines and parasite control products. If they aren’t requesting this from you, they aren’t requesting it from other clients … which means your pet could be at risk of being infected by parasites or disease during his stay.

Another thing we would be cautious with? Kennels refusing to allow you to see where your pet will be kept. You should of course not expect access to every part of the facility, as some sections would be for staff only. However, you should be able to request a tour of the canine boarding kennel area where Fido will be staying. (A virtual tour works as well.)

Also, keep in mind that good kennels are also careful about the pets they accept. Here at Valley Pet Hotel, we evaluate the dogs in our care. We look at a few things, such as how Fido acts with people, how he behaves among other dogs, how he acts when playing, and his general health. This is to ensure not only your pet’s safety, but also the safety of the other pups at our kennel. 

Here are some other red flags:

  • Disinterested staff
  • Overbooking
  • Overcrowding
  • Outdoor kennels with no shade
  • No play facilities or features 
  • No perks or extras

What Are Some Questions I Should Ask The Kennel?

One of the best things you can do here is ask lots of questions. Their website may answer many of them, so be sure to take a good look.

  • How are emergency situations handled?
  • How old are the puppies?
  • What time do pets eat?
  • Are staff and owners certified?
  • What are the feeding schedules?
  • Have all of the puppies been socialized?
  • How often is the dog kennel cleaned?
  • How often do you walk dogs?
  • Are dogs and cats kept separate?
  • What extras do you provide?
  • How far in advance do I need to book?
  • What extras and amenities do you offer? 
  • What should I pack for my pet? 

How Do I Find A Good Kennel?

Many people start their searches for, well, pretty much anything and everything by looking online. That’s a good starting point for kennels as well. Search for terms like ‘dog boarding near me’ and ‘pet boarding near me.’ If you’re using a VPN, you may just want to include your city and state.

Once you have a list of results, you can sift through reviews and check websites. It’s not necessarily a huge concern if a kennel has one or two bad reviews … unless those are the only reviews they have. Every business, sooner or later, is going to have a disgruntled customer. Look at the majority of the reviews.

You can also ask your vet for recommendations. Your vet would be one great resource, but you can also check with friends and family, co-workers, and even people you chat with at the dog park! 

Here are a few key things to consider: 

Tail Wag Options

Good kennels don’t see pets as just dollar signs: they understand that our furry pals need enrichment, playtime, and, of course, love. You’ll want to look at the perks that may get Fido’s cute tail going, such as playtime, extra treats, and extra walks.

Good Pet Kennels Are Transparent

Another thing you can discern by either asking questions or, in some cases, checking websites, is whether or not the kennel is very clear about charges and perks. Shady kennels may try to sneak in upcharges without making costs clear.

You should also be able to get a pretty good idea of how things are run by looking over the paperwork and documentation they provide. 

Giving The Kennel A Trial Run 

If you’re looking to board a dog, we always recommend bringing Fido to his new pet hotel before you book a longer stay. This is helpful for a few reasons. You and your pet will both know what to expect. This will make it easier for both of you when you have to go away. And, you’ll just get a good feel for how the kennel operates. 

Find A Kennel With Doggy Daycare

There are a bunch of perks to going with a place that has doggy daycare. For one thing, a day at daycare is a great way to introduce Fido to his new kennel, and possibly some of his new playmates. 

You’ll be able to get an idea of what your pet thought of his day when you pick him up. He should be a bit tired, but not stressed or overwhelmed. 

Also, doggy daycares can also come in handy when you have a busy day or just want to give Fido a fun day to play with his buddies. Dogs are very sociable creatures, and many of them love having time to interact and play with other pups. This is also great for younger dogs, as the older pooches will teach them the do’s and don’t of doggy behavior. 

That said, not all pups will enjoy doggy daycare. If your canine pal is anxious, fearful, or aggressive around other dogs, that may not be a good choice for him. 

What Qualities Will A Great Kennel Have? 

Any decent kennel will be primarily concerned with the health, safety, and comfort of their furry wards. That means taking time to get to know each pet, playing with them, and offering things that Fido enjoys. 

Great kennels are also very organized. They will be clear about the information they need, and what dogs they do and do not accept. For instance, many kennels will not accept very young puppies or kittens. If Fido has a medication schedule, they’ll also be thorough about getting that information from you. 

The facilities, of course, should also be clean and well-kept. 

What About Finding A Cat Kennel?

If you are looking for cat sitting, rather than dog sitting, most of the same rules of thumb apply. Cats are a bit easier, as they don’t need daily walks. However, they do need enrichment and entertainment. The perks Fluffy would want look a bit different than those that Fido would be interested in. 

For instance, we offer our feline guests the following amenities: 

  • Catnip cocktail 
  • Play time 
  • Solo laser tag 
  • Cat Cuddle Time 
  • Jungle gym 
  • R&R Time 
  • R&R Playtime Package 

You can also arrange for someone to pet and cuddle Fluffy … assuming she enjoys being petted! 

Conclusion: When looking for a dog or cat boarding kennel, there are many things to take into consideration. Be sure to do your due diligence, read any documents carefully, and check the facility website for basic information. 

Book A Spot At Our Rialto, CA Dog Boarding Facility

Do you need to book pet boarding at our Rialto, CA pet kennel? Do you have questions about doggy daycare?  Contact us anytime!

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