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Things To Do Before Boarding Your Pet

July 1 2024

Dogs can be quite territorial: Fido is a bit of a homebody, and definitely likes to keep tabs on what’s going on and who is coming and going. Of course, he can’t be at home all the time. Sooner or later, you’re likely going to need to put your canine buddy in a dog boarding kennel. Booking that reservation should of course be the biggest thing you do to prepare, but that isn’t the only thing you’ll need to put on your to-do list. In this article from Valley Pet Hotel, your Rialto, CA pet kennel, also serving Bloomington, CA, you’ll read about a few things you’ll need to do to get your furry pal ready for his pet hotel stay.

Find The Right Place

In recent years, many kennels have started offering quite a few pupgrades. In fact, Fido’s home away from home may be more like a four-star doggy hotel than the plain jail cells many basic kennels offer.

There’s definitely a lot to look at when choosing your pet’s kennel. You’ll of course want to read reviews and ask for recommendations from your friends, family, coworkers, and your vet. It’s also important to vet the kennel. Ideally, you’d want to get a look at the pet hotel, and be able to see exactly where your furry buddy will be kept.

You don’t want to entrust your pet’s care to just anyone, so be sure to ask lots of questions.

We did a prior blog on this, but here are a few things you’d want to go over:

  • How Much Does Pet Boarding Cost?
  • Can I Combine Dog Boarding With Doggy Daycare?
  • What Should I Pack For The Pet Hotel?
  • Are Dogs And Cats Kept Separate?
  • How Often Are The Kennels Cleaned?
  • Are The Kennels Climate Controlled?
  • How Often Is The Water Changed?
  • What Are The Feeding Schedules?
  • Do You Have An Emergency Vet On Call?
  • Do You Do Anything To Reduce Noise Or Anxiety?

Tour The Facility

It’s generally just good standard practice to take a good look at the spot where your furry pal is going to be staying. It’s normal for some areas to be restricted to staff only. You just really want to make sure that it’s clean, comfy, and secure. If your pooch has a run, check that out as well.

While you’re there, take a quick look at the pets in the kennel. They should all have water and climate control.

Find Out About Upgrades

Kennels also vary widely on what they offer for perks and add-ons. Some will also operate daycares, while others may be connected to veterinary clinics or grooming salons. Fido may also be able to enjoy certain perks.

Here at Valley Pet Hotel, we offer the following:

  • PupCup
  • Doggie ice cream
  • Extra group play time
  • Dry Bath
  • Normal Bath
  • Blowout and Brush
  • Color
  • Nail trim 
  • Dog Cuddle
  • Leash walk 
  • Private Playtime
  • Vigorous playtime
  • Kong-Coction

Get Fido Caught Up On Vaccinations And Parasite Control

Any decent kennel is going to require that Fido be up to date on certain vaccinations. The basics, also often referred to as the core vaccines, include Canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, canine parvovirus, and rabies. Though it’s not usually considered core, Bordetella is also typically required for kennels.

Work On Crate Training

This is a big one. It’s also important just as a matter of regular dog care, not just for boarding. For instance, Fido may need to be kenneled at his vet’s or groomers. He should also only travel crated.

If your pup hasn’t been crated before, start working with him on that now. Though boarding kennels are larger than crates, it’s still confinement. Boarding will definitely be easier on Fido if he’s used to this in advance.

You want Fido to think of his crate as a comfy, cozy little den, where he can sleep and rest safely. Adding comfy bedding and a few of your pup’s favorite toys will go a long way here, but proper training tactics are also key. Don’t just put your canine pal in his crate unexpectedly. That may frighten him, and leave him with a fear of being crated, which is the last thing you want. You have to start slow. At first, just give him toys, treats, and attention in and near his crate. You can also start feeding him there. Put his bowls outside at first, then progressively move them further and further in. The next stage is to close the door. Then, the last thing is to work on how long your pet stays crated.

For those who do have crates at home, you could consider just leaving the crate open for Fido. Your pup may surprise you by putting himself to bed!

Catch Up With Veterinary Care

Has your canine buddy not been fixed yet? If so, you’re best off getting this scheduled before boarding. You’ll need to space this out far enough to allow your pet time to completely recuperate at home. And while we know that sometimes things just need to happen, regardless of schedule, if your pooch needs any other procedures done, try to get this done in advance as well. 

This doesn’t just apply to surgical procedures. If Fido needs a round of medication, is behind on parasite control, or even just needs a new food, try to get these sorted out before taking him to his Rialto, CA pet hotel. 

Try A Dry Run 

We always recommend bringing your dog in for an overnight stay before leaving for a long trip. This is beneficial to both of you, as you’ll both have a better idea of what to expect. Fido will be more comfortable if he is already familiar with the kennel, and you’ll already have any new-customer questions or forms sorted out. 

Don’t Forget Fluffy

We’ve mostly focused on dogs in this article, but there are also things to do with kitties! The notes about asking questions and seeing to any necessary veterinary care also apply to cats. Crate training is also not a bad idea, even if just to make the car ride easier on Fluffy. 

Boarding is often easier for Fluffy than Fido, simply because our feline friends often feel safe and secure in small, enclosed spaces, where they know nothing is going to sneak up on them. 


This mostly applies to those with younger animals. (Note: we also won’t accept very young puppies or kittens.) 

One of the most important things you need to do with puppies and kittens is work on socialization, which would mean exposing them to new places, faces, and experiences. This can also go a long way towards helping them feel at ease around new pets. Ask your vet for tips.

Talk To Your Backup Contact

Kennels will ask you to provide a backup contact, someone they can reach out to if something happens and you’re unavailable. This is a pretty important decision, as this person may be authorized to make decisions on your behalf. This of course should be someone you know and trust. Have a conversation with the person you choose, and make sure they know what your concerns and wishes are. (It’s not a bad idea to put some things in writing, either.) 

Book Your Pet’s Stay At Our Rialto, CA pet kennel

Do you need to schedule boarding? Please do not hesitate to contact us here at Valley Pet Hotel, your Rialto, CA pet kennel, also serving Bloomington, CA. We are dedicated to offering top-notch care. 

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