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How Do I Know If My Dog Likes Doggy Daycare?

November 1 2023

Doggy daycare is a remarkable solution for dog owners with hectic schedules. It provides a safe and stimulating environment for your furry companion while you’re at work or attending to other responsibilities. But how do you know if your dog genuinely enjoys their time at daycare? 

Read on as a pet hotel Rialto CA offers up clues on how to tell if your pooch likes doggy daycare.

Signs Your Pup Likes Doggy Daycare

Boundless Excitement

One of the clearest signs of your dog’s love for daycare is their sheer enthusiasm when you mention it. Look for tail-wagging, leaping, and joyful barking at the mere mention of “doggy daycare.” This excitement shows that your dog associates daycare with fun and playtime.

Positive Behavioral Changes

Dogs are creatures of habit. If your dog demonstrates positive behavior changes after attending daycare, it’s a good sign. They may become calmer and better behaved at home due to the physical and mental stimulation at daycare.

Social Interaction

Dogs are social animals, and daycare offers an excellent opportunity for them to interact with other dogs. If your dog enjoys making new furry friends and engages in playful interactions, it’s a clear indicator of their happiness at daycare.

Effortless Drop-Offs

How your dog behaves during drop-offs at the daycare center is also revealing. If they happily head off to play with their doggy pals, it’s a sign they’re comfortable and content. If they resist or appear anxious, it’s important to address any concerns.

Benefits of Doggy Daycare:

  • Physical Exercise – Doggy daycare provides essential exercise for your four-legged friend, helping maintain their physical health.
  • Mental Stimulation – Engaging in various activities and playing with other dogs offers mental stimulation, reducing destructive behavior at home.
  • Socialization – Daycare exposes your dog to diverse social situations, making them more well-adjusted around other animals and people, which is vital for puppies and dogs with socialization challenges.

Things to Consider

If your dog shows excitement, positive behavior changes, social interaction, and ease during drop-offs at doggy daycare, you can be confident they’re enjoying their time there. So, when your furry friend eagerly sets off for daycare, rest assured that they are experiencing sheer delight and making the most of their day.

And if you have more questions or wish to take a tour of our facility, please feel free to call us, your local pet hotel Rialto CA, anytime!

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